TBS project

I wish youngsters in my country had more chances to pursue their dreams. I hope this project somehow can bring more opportunities to potential students in my country.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727), the inventor of differential and integral calculus

and the gravitational theory; and the Principia (1687) (modified from Wikipedia).


Random or Determined

{from A to B}

  • Chapter 1: Some laws of the universe
  • Chapter 2: The power of aspiration and love
  • Chapter 3: The potential of zero state
  • Chapter 4: Silence and Solitude
  • Chapter 5: Friendship
  • Chapter 6: The role of heroes
  • Chapter 7: Serving not mastering
  • Chapter 8: Engineering Science from Western countries
  • Chapter 9: Lessons from Jewish beliefs
  • Chapter 10: Intuition and the way to practice

Those who I have met and events which I have experienced help me respect the chances I have, all of which form the book “Random or Determined: from Oxford to Imperial” which I hope I could share something with students in my country. I hope that the potential students in my country somehow can find similar things when they pursue their dreams.